...continued from part I...
The lone rider picks his way carefully around the outskirts of the now thundering battle, avoiding any encounter with roving Bleiherzener patrols...he makes his way to a ford known only to locals, (the crowns he paid the old miller for the location of the ford weeks ago now pay off!...the rider approaches the ford, now defended by a party of Grolstein Croats who had discovered the ford accidentally. The Croats are suspicious...and take a couple of pot shots at the rider but fail to bring him down...fortunately for him the officer in command of the Croats had been told to be on the lookout for just such a rider approaching from the Bleiherzen side of the river and he manages to stop the firing just in time...
The lone rider reaches the ford and despite some initial suspicion on the part of the Croats guarding the ford, the rider is allowed to pass...it seems the Croats are after bigger game...the Bleiherzen right flank!
...the first major clash in the battle occurs when the Duchess' Cuirassiers charge in to the countercharging Koniggratz Dragoons who, after a wild melee and outnumbered 2-1 are scattered...

the main body of Grolstein infantry then try to force the center ford... the seemingly "musketball proof" Colonel Jaehde leads his infantry regiment across the river in column...many in his regiment feel like he has a personal score to settle with the Bleiherzenmanner...a Hungarian ally regiment in the distance marches towards the bridge.

the main body of Grolstein infantry then try to force the center ford... the seemingly "musketball proof" Colonel Jaehde leads his infantry regiment across the river in column...many in his regiment feel like he has a personal score to settle with the Bleiherzenmanner...a Hungarian ally regiment in the distance marches towards the bridge.
the fire from the Bleiherzen jagers is hot...and the arrival of a regiment of Bleiherzen fusiliers makes it all the hotter...
The Hungarian Regiment Esterhazy closes in on the bridge crossing...
The Grand Duchess' artillery commanded by Major Glücklicher Schuss pound the enemy's positions across the river...
French mercenaries offer a hot skirmish at the bridge.
...and Colonel Jaehde's regiment is decimated at the rivers edge and forced to retire...
Jaehde is heard to shout, " Wir kommen zurück!" (we will return!!)
meanwhile, the Duchess' Cuirassiers reform and make a charge on the bridge...
a glorious charge!...but they are shattered by Bleiherzen musketry!
At the height of the battle, the lone rider on a lathered horse gallops up to the Commander of the Grolstein Army...with a critical message for the Grand Duchess!

The Hungarians finally throw their weight across the bridge and charge the Bleiherzen infantry regiment (now weakened by the fire of the enemy light infantry) and in a fierce melee, drive them off and make good the crossing to win the battle...the Bleiherzeners just manage to save their artillery and leave the field to Grolstein!
...no word yet as to the contents of the message...
...no word yet as to the contents of the message...